Mediation and Shift Work
Navigating the realities of being a separated parent and working can often be overwhelming. Days are often spent juggling your job and household jobs at the same time as getting together school bags, PE kits, packed lunches and making sure the kids are dressed and ready to leave on time. If they are due to spend time with the other parent mid-week plenty of advance planning is needed to make sure they have everything they need for the week ahead. If one parent is more organised than the other, this can often lead to an imbalance in parenting and can feed resentment. For parents who work shift patterns, this can present an additional layer of complexity.
Attending Family Mediation together can help you navigate the issues you will need to consider as separated parents. You can attend Mediation at any stage, whether you are just separating and want to plan for the future, or have been separated for some time and a change in work arrangements has prompted a disagreement.
The Mediator can explore with you how you will deal with various parenting choices. For example;
- Which one of you will collect the kids if they are poorly?
- What happens if one of you wants to take the kids on holiday?
- How do you plan for important events like birthdays and Christmas?
- How do you work around each other’s jobs?
- How much flexibility do you want?
- How will you deal with the introduction of any new partner?
- How will you both deal with discipline and routine in your separate houses?
- How will you manage communication as parents?
The benefits of Family Mediation are;
- Control over the decision-making process.
- Speed in reaching a decision.
- Ability to discuss any parenting issue that needs to be resolved (rather than just the time each parent has with the children).
- Provides reassurance to the children that their parents are working together to make decisions for them.
- Much cheaper option than court proceedings/legal battles.
- Can improve future communication/ability to resolve any future disagreements.
- Ability to draw up a written document (“parenting plan”) outlining how parenting decisions will be made.
The Mediation team at Sills & Betteridge is one of the largest in the East Midlands and Yorkshire and includes a number of senior solicitors and legal professionals who can use their experience and expertise to help guide through the decisions that need to be made in Mediation. We are also able to offer “Child Inclusive Mediation” which involves the Mediator speaking to the children as part of the process (providing the parents and children agree).
Financial assistance is currently available for anyone attending Mediation about their children, regardless of their financial circumstances. Under the government “voucher” scheme participants receive a one-off joint payment of £500 towards the cost of their Mediation. This covers the majority of the cost of their first joint session.
Mediation and Shift Work
Navigating the realities of being a separated parent and working can often be overwhelming. Days are often spent juggling your job and household jobs at the same time as getting together school bags, PE kits, packed lunches and making sure the kids are dressed and ready to leave on time. If they are due to spend time with the other parent mid-week plenty of advance planning is needed to make sure they have everything they need for the week ahead. If one parent is more organised than the other, this can often lead to an imbalance in parenting and can feed resentment. For parents who work shift patterns, this can present an additional layer of complexity.
Attending Family Mediation together can help you navigate the issues you will need to consider as separated parents. You can attend Mediation at any stage, whether you are just separating and want to plan for the future, or have been separated for some time and a change in work arrangements has prompted a disagreement.
The Mediator can explore with you how you will deal with various parenting choices. For example;
- Which one of you will collect the kids if they are poorly?
- What happens if one of you wants to take the kids on holiday?
- How do you plan for important events like birthdays and Christmas?
- How do you work around each other’s jobs?
- How much flexibility do you want?
- How will you deal with the introduction of any new partner?
- How will you both deal with discipline and routine in your separate houses?
- How will you manage communication as parents?
The benefits of Family Mediation are;
- Control over the decision-making process.
- Speed in reaching a decision.
- Ability to discuss any parenting issue that needs to be resolved (rather than just the time each parent has with the children).
- Provides reassurance to the children that their parents are working together to make decisions for them.
- Much cheaper option than court proceedings/legal battles.
- Can improve future communication/ability to resolve any future disagreements.
- Ability to draw up a written document (“parenting plan”) outlining how parenting decisions will be made.
The Mediation team at Sills & Betteridge is one of the largest in the East Midlands and Yorkshire and includes a number of senior solicitors and legal professionals who can use their experience and expertise to help guide through the decisions that need to be made in Mediation. We are also able to offer “Child Inclusive Mediation” which involves the Mediator speaking to the children as part of the process (providing the parents and children agree).
Financial assistance is currently available for anyone attending Mediation about their children, regardless of their financial circumstances. Under the government “voucher” scheme participants receive a one-off joint payment of £500 towards the cost of their Mediation. This covers the majority of the cost of their first joint session.