Sills Mediation

Sills Mediation

What is Family Mediation?

Family Mediation aims to provide people with the assistance they need to reach their own solutions without having to involve the court. Mediation aims to ensure that future arrangements are fair and workable and are obtained with the minimum conflict and distress. The family mediators at Sills Mediation Service are highly qualified and experienced with extensive knowledge of the family courts.

Sills & Betteridge Solicitors has a team of family mediators who regularly help couples deal with a wide range of issues including:

  • Legal divorce & separation
  • Future arrangements for their children
  • Financial and property issues
  • Accommodation needs

Couples are still advised to consult their own solicitors over the terms of any proposals for settlement which are reached in mediation. However, mediation reduces the time and cost involved when two separate solicitors are instructed to negotiate on their respective clients’ behalf. Mediation is much less distressing than fighting in court.


If you would like to discuss Family Mediation with us, please call us on 01522 551613, email us at or complete our Client Contact Form.

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What is Family Mediation?

Family Mediation aims to provide people with the assistance they need to reach their own solutions without having to involve the court. Mediation aims to ensure that future arrangements are fair and workable and are obtained with the minimum conflict and distress. The family mediators at Sills Mediation Service are highly qualified and experienced with extensive knowledge of the family courts.

Sills & Betteridge Solicitors has a team of family mediators who regularly help couples deal with a wide range of issues including:

  • Legal divorce & separation
  • Future arrangements for their children
  • Financial and property issues
  • Accommodation needs

Couples are still advised to consult their own solicitors over the terms of any proposals for settlement which are reached in mediation. However, mediation reduces the time and cost involved when two separate solicitors are instructed to negotiate on their respective clients’ behalf. Mediation is much less distressing than fighting in court.


If you would like to discuss Family Mediation with us, please call us on 01522 551613, email us at or complete our Client Contact Form.

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